Thursday, March 03, 2005

Project Presentation!!

Finally, we had our project presentation this morning.. we start our system demo at 9am then followed by our oral presentation at 10+ am.. the system demo went pretty smoothly.. with Vic toking all abt the project we did.. n the teachers r pretty impressed with it.. haha

Wat was a culture shock to me was the oral presentation portion.. i always thot that it will be smt like a group presentation with each individuals toking abt their parts.. but its really a very individual oral presentation.. with everyone for turns out that wat the lecturers r looking for is the presentation style n they really comment on the slides n how the presenter talks n stuff like that.. i didnt expect this for an Engineering subject.. its just totally an unexpected n new experience for me.. i tink i pretty much screwed up my part of the presentation.. totally unrehearsed n unprepared.. we were given 5 min each but i took like 3 min only.. so embarassing.. i sort of panicked n forgot to say some of the stuff..

After the individual oral presentation for our group, the lecturer suggested a break.. its abt 1145am liao.. n i was hoping for just a short break for him so that we can get this chop chop n done with.. but sigh.. everyone but me n LL agreed on a lucnh break of 1 hr til 1245pm.. ok loh.. LL n me proceeded to the Elektro room to have our lucnh.. the rest r going to the restaurant in Q building.. a bit anti social for us but hey its 60kr per meal over there while i could get a cheap pizza for 13kr n some more snacks from my fav sweet corner at a few more kroners.. who cares abt anti socialness when u r a poor student.. haha

after lunch, we proceeded to finsih off the presentation for the otehr group.. there was one guy in that group which just merely writes some words on a transparency n covers some other parts of it to be reveal later.. which looks rather slack.. he says that he is busy with otehr porjects n stuff.. but i tink the time taken to preapre the transparencies is abt the same as preparing some ppt slides.. from this i realise, how very individual this presentation is when his team mates didnt bother to help him with it.. at least our Vic sent us a template for us to base our ppt slides on..

after all the presentation had ended, LL n me went down to the lab to take pics of our project setup.. however the electricity is cut off so we cant turn on the pc to take a pic of the software setup that our team has.. :p
but wat we can do is take some pic of our hardware.. haha
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When i got back home, received a email in the evening from the lecturer abt our pts for this project..
For the Machine spectrum group we have actually
chosen to differentiate a bit in the Technical
solution bonus for the different group members as
we feel that the software part is really very
impressive, while the hardware part is more
average. If you feel that this differentiation is
not juste, please contact me.

For you Lin Zhiqiang the result so far is
Plan: 2
Technical solution: 2
User interface: 2
Oral: 1

erm ok loh.. not bad lah.. i PASSED!!.. we need 6 pts to pass.. yeh!! we still have one more portion of the grading, the report.. where we can get max of 3 more pts.. but i just need 6 n i got 7 now.. haha

ok now.. time to get ready for my Netherlands Trip from 4th March to 7th March...


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